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I Think He Was a Teen

by Ilias Tsagas

"Give Yourselves to the Air" by Karen Fitzgerald
"Give Yourselves to the Air" by Karen Fitzgerald

On the wooden floor, coiled with handcuffs and leg irons on 
like an embryo — dead.
But no, slaves were shackled standing.
Judging from the size of the cuffs 
his wrists must have been thin. 
Behind the glass 
at the Maritime Museum in Greenwich 
the leg irons remain locked 
holding the soul of this lad.

Appeared in Issue Spring '22

Ilias Tsagas

Nationality: Greek

First Language(s): Greek
Second Language(s): English

More about this writer

Piece Patron

Das Land Steiermark

Listen to Ilias Tsagas reading "I Think He Was a Teen".

Supported by:

Land Steiermark: Kultur, Europa, Außenbeziehungen
U.S. Embassy Vienna
Stadt Graz